Social Change Makers
Empowers local people to make radical and sustainable changes within their own communities.
Social Change Makers is our sustainable approach to eradicating poverty developed by JeCCDO supported by PFC Ethiopia. It is transforming some of the poorest communities in Ethiopia and building civil society.
It empowers local people to make radical and sustainable changes within their own communities.

All Social Change Maker projects support and empower local people by providing training, investment grants for businesses and essential infrastructure.
It involves the following plan for sustainable development:
Social businesses build up capital and provide funds for development such as a grain bank set up to ensure inexpensive food through the year and provide an income to the community. Often CBOs also rent out shops and houses.
Women form Self Help Groups (SHGs). These groups help women save money, set up businesses, support each other and also protect children’s rights. We have set up over 750 women’s self help groups.
Young people from the area are a fantastic resource as community workers bringing enthusiasm and local knowledge, working with poor families, encouraging them to take part in local communities activities and providing support.
We bring together local government, teachers and community members to provide the best education. We also set up breakfast clubs which enable the poorest children to attend school, and also work with families to build a better future.
We especially support girls at school, ensuring period equality with separate toilets and sanitary pads. Communities challenge abusive customs such as early marriage and genital mutilation.
We identify and support marginalised and excluded groups. We set up communities for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) with homes, schools and businesses. We also support girls who have been trapped in the commercial sex industry and help them build a new life.
We prioritise training which enables and empowers local people. Our training centre at Bishoftu is well used by the local community.
We promote our Social Change Makers model in neighbouring countries. We have shared learning gained over three decades with small organisations in Kenya and Uganda.